Striae & Ridges
Odontaspis ferox (Risso, 1810)

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The stria of the teeth of the Smallteeth sand tiger, Odontaspis ferox (Risso, 1810) was investigated.@The sharks used in this study was a juvenile collected in Tokyo Bay. The results showed that striae were not present in the anterior portion of the dentition of this shark, but only on the labial face of the teeth in the posterior portion of the dentition. The striae became more prominent posteriorly as the teeth became smaller and smaller. The striae were more prominent on the upper teeth and less prominent on the lower teeth. The striations in this shark appeared to be similar to those of the Frilled shark.,

Teh striae on the labial face of the upper teeth of an adult shark (gender unknown) were also observed. The striae of the adult shark are similar to those of juvenile, but striae can also be observed on more anterior teeth than on juvenile. In the most posterior teeth, the presence of striae may be more like ridges than striae.

ver.1. 20241201

Back & Forth

